Commercial Stretcher Transfer

Commercial Stretcher Transfer is Available at a Lower Cost at Greenbird Rescue Services Pvt Ltd

The commercial Stretcher service is based on some procedures where the team at Greenbird Rescue Services Pvt Ltd follows the norm of fitting stretchers in an air ambulance for patients who are too critical to travel by sitting up straight. Our commercial Stretcher service is designed to cater to the specific needs of patients with critical medical conditions who require relocation to the opted destination in a lying down posture. Our medical flights offer this service to accommodate patients who are referred to another healthcare facility for treatment regarding their critical state of being and allow them to have the comfort of an emergency room while they are in transit to their source destination. Our services provide a medically well-equipped and specialized stretcher onboard, accompanied by medical professionals, ensuring safe and comfortable relocation from start to finish.

Our commercial stretcher service allows patients with critical medical needs to access transfer for long distances while receiving necessary care all along the journey. We never charge an out-of-pocket expense from the patients and ask for only a small amount in return for the life-saving medical evacuation service we offer. We only take up to 24-48 hours for the booking process to complete and make sure every possible detail related to the health of the patients is taken care of before composing our service. Our team is capable of handling all the logistics of arranging commercial Stretcher service for the patients without any trouble.