Air and Train Ambulance Service in Delhi

Greenbird Air and Train Ambulance Services in Delhi is the Most Trusted Solution for Transferring Patients

Air and Train Ambulance Service in Delhi

Sprawling along the banks of the Yamuna River, Delhi is the Capital city of India that is known for its industrial developments, infrastructure, and advanced healthcare facilities. Since the medical infrastructure of Delhi is of high standard people from around the country visit this place for speedy and better treatment. Greenbird Rescue Services Pvt. Ltd. is known for delivering Air and Train Ambulance Services in Delhi that help relocate patients without causing any discomfort on the way. We have a large number of medically advanced features inside our aircraft carriers that help keep the health of the patients stable until the journey ends successfully.

Air and Train Ambulance in Delhi Causes No Discomfort during the Medical Transfer

The Charter Air Ambulance in Delhi provides medically equipped ICU-configured aircraft, a critical care trained medical team, and the highest level of medical care for the patients so that they can travel to their choice of healthcare facility without experiencing any hassles or complications. Our medical team comprises doctors, nurses, paramedics, therapists, and caregivers who are certified to offer the best medical treatment and nursing to the patients throughout the journey. We make sure the Air Ambulance Cost doesn’t exceed your expectations and remains under budget to make you stress-free about our service.

Air and Train Ambulance Delhi

Fly in a Stress-Free Manner with Greenbird Air and Train Ambulance Services in Delhi

To date, Air Ambulance Delhi has offered plenty of successful air evacuation missions from the capital city to Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Guwahati, Vellore, Bhopal, Ranchi, Allahabad, and other cities of India known for their high-grade medical treatment. We can also arrange relocation missions to and from international destinations as per the patients’ request. We have a trained medical team that offers the right level of care and medical attention to the patients while they are in transit. We also operate with Medical Escorts in the Air Ambulance for a better flying experience.

  • Arranging Medical Transport as requested
  • ICU, CCU, and Life Support Amenities offered
  • Avoiding rigors during the relocation mission
  • Arranging ground ambulance for easy pick up and drop
  • Trusted solution offered to the patients